Friday, March 27, 2009

went to parliament.
ate @ mac before that with eemin anjhana patricia eeling & jessica!
was sleeeeeeeeeepy zzzz. almost fell asleep during the 15 minutes slideshow :/
missed my handphone! lol :D
went for guides but it was alr debrief.
then went with batchmates to jp for dinner. (:
thanks to sandra's mum for fetching me home xD

fun seeeeeeh.
batch stayed back for cleaning of den.
tiring but fun! :)
now its so much cleaner! hahaha. :P

E-learning! :D
did homework @ the computer. studied! (:
didnt get literature and english homework, hehs.

uh. supposed to have COH.
went to eat at jp with jl & ly.
and came back late.
consequences were horrible :/
shan't elaborate T.T
'was super super embarassing also lor.

ate @ mac in gekpoh with jl reb & em.
then studied at KFC! anjhana came too :D
until 7+ then went home. super convenient can. haha. just walk back home can alr -.-

Tuition in morning then going to esplanade!
but somehow i don't think its going to be that fun :/
ah whatever.

omg that's the moooooooooost crucial time of my life.
flh coming to singapore! :DDDDDDD
going with friends! (:
mengchuan! nothing to do can go walk walk at jp's cd shop, if u get what i mean! lol.
i can help get their signature xD
yeah, help.
A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed. haha ;P
cant wait!

will update agaaaaaaain (:

at the end of the day it still doesnt change.
after how much i told myself.


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