Thursday, March 19, 2009



slacked :D
watched X-Family!
Jiro is the <3! heheh. I cant believe they're coming to singaporeeeeeee! YAAAAAAY (: somemore IMM ! :D holidays = extended weekend, as farahin put it. True. slacked on mon and tues xD wednesdaaaay. lent yeeler shirt then went study at library with jasmine. saw angelia, jasmine and their airen, haha (: went home and played.slacked. todaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. :O I SURVIVED THE FOUR HOUR AMATHS LESSON! (: it was fruitful though. first time i could catch up. but towards the end my mind was alr drifting awaaaay. heh. went BK with eemin eeling patricia anjhana & farahin! :D walked ard and looked for jiro and aaron's stickers. LOL . ;D had fun with mates! guides tmr. mac @ yami-yoghurt. + KO one! jing qing qi dai! :D



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