Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lessons as usual today.
Felt like sleeping during assembly so ended up finishing one entire bottle of water in less than an hour. lol.
english, amaths, chem and lit.
happily thought mrs aidil didnt come so played 'cheat' (:
then in the end she came. but were still released early.
happy to see (you) in canteen! :D
take care of your face la. hahaha.
then went to collect guides den key.
sadly, they gave me a scouts den key -.-
went in with batchmates.
did a bit of the kitchen table then go help invigilate the sec ones with afidah.
after that continued with the kitchen table at den.
then go jlp help collect wood with jl ly and sandra.
sorry i came late ahhh D:
then went for second round, cos realised not enough.
ly and i were entertainers of the day! lol.
or rather we were happily entertaining ourselves. hahaha.
went back guides den.
met up with the rest then went mac! xD but nabilah,sharlene and shirmaine didnt go.
batch outing soon yeah? :D
and met up with dad at gp. (:
-Batchmates is the love.-
-#167 is the love-
-KimBum aka Yijung and Aaron is the love!-
friends make me a happier person. :D
outing to changi airport soon yeah!
lets fly to korea. LOL.
finish my mission of bringing yi jung back. hahahaha.
I don't need you.


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