Today, I learnt about a girl, who committed suicide just 4 days ago because of a failed relationship.
I came across a facebook page, in loving memory of her. I saw her photos, she was pretty, and talented. People commented on how cheerful she had always been before, and strange how relationship turned her suicidal. If she had chosen to confide in the right person, perhaps this would not have happened.
Seriously, its not worth it. Over a relationship. Maybe I don't understand, but whatever it is, she has gone to a better place, to be with God.
Rest in peace.
On a lighter note, this week was rather relaxing, did not go to school on tuesday and thursday, mummy brought me to see a doctor. He gave me a two days mc but unfortunately, today was mother tongue grad exam, so no choice, cannot skip.
Oral was cancelled last minute, luckily. Did not prepare much and don't know what to prepare. ha ha. Procastination, maybe. :D.
Paper 1 today was okay, but halfway through my essay I realised that I somehow lost track of what I was writing. Hopefully there was some form of link back to the topic. hopefully.
Paper 2 was difficult. Multiple choice especially, answered most based on my own instincts. and hopefully, once again, i get the marks. heh heh.
KFC with janet and wanping, and corene, jolene, fangru, yiying, christina came to join us later.
joke of the day --> "durable!"
and was reminiscing about the time at kbox with corene and jolene, laughed like nobody's business xD. yi ju hua!
then left with wp, janet and yiying first, because we had physics spa retest.
were late, so we waited at syafie's table.
we took turns to do the set up, and in between mr ng keep giving us conversion questions, and, LOL, my conversion really cannot make it! All i can remember is 10mm is 1cm. But now though, 1 more. 1mm to 1m is move back by five decimal places. if i'm right. hahaha. thanks to yiying also :D!
looked for eemin at jp after that, went with her to the centre and waited for an hour! can't believe I took out the chinese book on good essays to read, and I actually found some of the essays kind of interesting. ha ha. see what boredom can turn you into! a hardworking person like me. LOL. just kidding. I'm going to highlight the nice phrases later, haha ^^.
walked back to jp after that, singing! :D. then decided to go ntu for ice cream!
ice cream makes me happy, haha!
but sadly the stall was closed. another stall sold ice cream waffles, so 'romantic' us settled for a double scoop (chocolate, cookies n cream) waffle, cup corn and a can of pepsi!) haha =D.
reached home around nine plus!
eh sick still can go ntu eat ice cream ah? ^^ anyway, why you all gave newspapers to the guy with paint sprayed on his door?
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