- english asap in the morning
- Tori-Q & library with em after that
- tuition
- wanying, eemin, siewbee and wenxin over for Ju-On
- dinner @ mac, supper at jp -.- (diet? irony ttm :X LOL.)
Lessons were not so productive, kept feeling sleepy. anyway, Ju-on wasn't really scary, though there were certain scenes that quite bloody, like the mother crawling down the staircase although sb said she saw worse in the other version of Ju-On. O.O they left around six plus and went for dinner with mum. Did homework at night and watched Incredible Tales D: as a result, didnt dare to stay alone LOL so followed them for supper. HAHA.
met with sandra and went for tuition. today was okayyyy, not as sleepy as the day before :X chatted with her, faster go back to your old self okay! :D not the hit people one but the cheerful one xD. school tmr, seriously don't feel like going back~
incredible tales not scary one. i watched all of the new season's epsiodes more than 3 times each already. lol!
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