Even a fool can live a happy life (:
so can we.
Didnt go out yesterday.
mum pissed me off and I didnt get the mood :(
Regretted it though xD
Overslept today!
cant believe I told my mum in my sleepmode that I only had to go to school at 9.
took a taxi with Jl and reached half an hour late o.o
paper was okayyyy.
guides after that.
Then Jl got her lunch and headed to my house.
watched You're Beautiful. (:
Got interrupted by nurul.
Nurul : Kakak!
Me: Hello!
*she turns to Jl then turn back to me*
Nurul: Kakak dual?
She played with iham ~
they really very cute la (:
Jl left around six plus and I got my dinner!
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