Friday, September 12, 2008


played with the chisel during dnt lesson today and cut my own skin, LOL. thanks to MY wastewood ._.

Ms Seeto didn't come today, ~ :D!
but actl she can teach quite well? Idk, but my opinon of her changed quite abit since ytd (:

didnt eat lunch because there was no time, haha.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuun ~~~~~~~~
talked about shows&played hide and seek ;D
Full House is so well-liked, lol.
maybe idk 'cause i'm still stuck at miserable episode 8. T.T
then healthy lifestyle programmes & thrash out session.
i bet it helped :D
we will try to speak more english, yeah? (:
then went mac with batchmates!
thanks for helping me carry those boxes okay!!
very 'gan dong' , hahaha ;D
batchmates is <3 (:
singaporeans are really improving these days,
one auntie who saw me carrying the two boxes gave up where she was holding (idk what its called) to let me hold because there was no space, lol.
and i saw these 3 really cute kids playing around with their caps (:

and damnit, plasters were supposed to help prevent the cut from getting wet&painful. zzzzzzz.


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