Friday, April 25, 2008



it has been one un-interesting week so far!
the same time spent on mugging.

nan de today no CCA so decide to post! ;D
oh, and wanted to take picture of the red marks on my hand {caused by rubber band laaaa} but its goneeee now! ):
lucky la you mehn!
PE was boring today ?
took height and weight.
and no, i'm not going to post it up, LOL. xD
then seeto's lesson. did some grammar things.
wanted to do paragraph one la! ended up doing paragraph two cause lost to kc in scissors-paper-stone. okay, lameeeee.
our seating area seems to be blacklisted by seeto!
she keep giving us stupid stares as and when -.-
'what are the four of you doing' ._.
'nothing what, i just lend her my eraser!'
seeto is just DUMBBBBBBB.
then maths.
couldnt do the questions. ;dd
& wasnt paying much attention during chinese lesson :/
going to mugggggggg again! >.<


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